Egoscue Method Postural Assessment

Our South West London posture specialists are proud to be the largest and longest standing practice in London to be providing posture adjustment care using the Advanced Biostructural Correction method. My wife and I have been visiting Neil for treatment whenever we have back or neck problems for almost 20 years. Neil is always very courteous and professional and we have never hesitated in recommending him to our friends and family who have also had successful treatment from him. Without the expert care I have received from Neil over the past 20 years I would be spending most of my time in a wheelchair as I have a chronic neurological condition that affects my back. I visit regularly to maintain my mobility which enables me to live a normal life and I am very grateful for the care I have received from Neil over the years. "I used the services of Physit following a road accident which resulted in me having pins down one side of my ankle and a plate down the other. I needed almost a year of physiotherapy to get back on (..."

Not only for physical and mental wellbeing, but also in optimising the performance of city professionals. This can quite literally be a headache for employees and HR managers alike. 60% of all work-related illnesses are the result of back, neck or limb problems. Back pain is by far the most common and accounts for 119 million lost days at work. This costs thousands of pounds in private healthcare insurance premiums, which largely involve treating symptoms. There is a current craze of wellness options being provided in the workplace, like yoga or massages.

From here, a treatment programme will be designed and tailored to address your exact symptoms. This may include self-management exercises or hands-on therapy, including joint mobilisation and soft tissue release. The purpose of postural analysis is to identify and correct imbalances in the body that can lead to pain, discomfort, and even injuries. Correcting these imbalances through regular personal training can help improve your overall health and well-being. When you’re performing physical activity, your posture is crucial. Poor posture can cause pain in your back, neck, shoulders, and other areas of the body.

Physiotherapists are experts at correcting and improving posture, so the first step is getting your posture assessed. Your body uses learnt muscle patterns to perform most daily activities. When we sit, stand, and walk, we use previously learnt motor patterns. If your body has learnt to slouch – that’s what it will do.


Although a lot of conditions such as spinal curvatures can not be fully corrected, osteopath treatment may assist to alleviate symptoms whilst perhaps also slowing the progression of these conditions. Increasing postural strength and control can increase your capabilities to move more efficiently in space, therefore, preserving energy and reducing muscle Postural Assessment in London fatigue. Firstly, make sure your work carries out a thorough workstation assessment. If you are still feeling pain and symptoms then book in an assessment with either an osteopath, chiropractor or physiotherapist. Your practitioner will carry out a thorough examination and advise you on any necessary treatment options, exercises and lifestyle changes.

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The science of ergonomics will reshape your workstation, and the effects can be felt in the long run. All of this can be avoided with an ergonomic working environment. We have designed an on-site workstation assessment and training programme to enhance flexibility, endurance and mobility whilst at work. Our commitment is that every one of our clients receives quality service, feels a part of our family, and leaves with a smile. We pride ourselves on offering great lifestyle advice and unrivalled posture care.

90% of patients visiting Bodymotion present with neck and low back pain. The unique combination of our clinical expertise, experience and training has allowed us to devise an assessment and posture programme that goes beyond what is currently being offered. This has been overseen by Ben Glenister, who has studied biomechanics at postgraduate level under a programme overseen by a world renowned professor of spinal biomechanics.

This information is then used to create a personalized plan of action that will help the person improve their alignment and overall health. There are many benefits to having good posture, including improved breathing, better circulation and reduced risk of injuries. By taking the time to assess and address any issues with postural alignment, a personal trainer can help their clients achieve long-term success in terms of both health and fitness. One of the most important aspects of good health is maintaining a proper posture. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do this on their own.

Many people can live with these conditions without any outward signs of issues. However, many postural disorders coincide with postural asymmetry, postural compensations or poor balance due to alterations in the centre of gravity and base of support. Even minimal postural disorders can be a marker for weak or imbalanced muscles groups. Most people these days are slumped at a desk and working on a computer.

The London Osteopathy clinic has three bases, Holborn, Beckenham and central London. Each clinic is able to offer professional, friendly assessment, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of postural disorders. As with all conditions your lifestyle, diet, exercise regime will be discussed in order to provide accurate advice to further improve your functioning and quality of life caused by your postural disorder.
